Q |What do I need to be able to view a Webcast
All Webcasts require Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 or greater and Microsoft Windows Media Player, version or higher. If you do not currently have the Media Player installed, or have an older version of the Media Player installed, the newer version will be installed with U.S. English language support by default. You can also pre-load the player with support for another language. You may be prompted to re-start your computer after the new control loads. These presentations are optimized for viewing on a monitor sized for 800 x 600 screen resolution.
Q | What stream should I pick?
If you are using a dial-in connection slower than 28.8 kbps, please select the 14.4 kbps (audio only) stream. If you are located in the USA, you may select the 300-100 kbps stream depending on your connection, broadband 300kbps if available. Otherwise if you are Dial-Up or on a slower Lan link choose the 28.8 kbps or 56 kbps.
Q |Why is it asking me to login?
This can likely be resolved by looking at several option in your browser.
  • If you are located in Europe, Indo-Pacific, or Australia please e-mail for possible sattelite/edge-point servers.